MET MANN has executed supply and install two units AD-40-V of 38,000 m3/h in an industry of plastic components in Sant Cugat (Barcelona).
The two evaporative coolers installed provide a total 76,000 m3/h to provide fresh natural air into the vessel by reducing the temperature and improving the comfort of their workers in addition to prevent damage to the machinery by extreme temperature.
The main advantages of evaporative cooling are:
– Energy saving up to 80% compared to other cooling systems.
– Constant renewal of indoor air by providing outside air.
– Low installation costs and maintenance.
– Much lower than other systems investment.
More information:
Tel. +34 93 851 15 99
C / Fontcuberta, 32-36
08560-Manlleu (Barcelona)

Evaporative air conditioning in plastic industry in Sant Cugat (Barcelona)
MET MANN has executed supply and install two units AD-40-V of 38,000 m3/h in an industry of plastic components in Sant Cugat (Barcelona).
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MET MANN, cuenta con una experiencia de más de 50 años en la fabricación de equipos para la climatización y ventilación, actualmente es uno de los principales fabricantes europeos de enfriadores evaporativos y generadores de aire caliente.
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