We have supplied 12 evaporative coolers of the AD-20-H model (20,000 m/h) in a greenhouse dedicated to the cultivation of melons and potatoes.
The air conditioning of greenhouses for growing plants and vegetables is increasingly important in hot seasons and a good air conditioning system, ensures proper production by mitigating high outdoor temperatures.
Our evaporative air conditioning system is a completely natural system where we provide fresh air with an adequate degree of humidity to heat all types of greenhouses or industrial buildings.
Evaporative air conditioning systems stand out for their low energy consumption, constant renovation of the indoor air of the room to be heated and a contribution of humidity to the environment that is highly appreciated especially in the cultivation of plants and vegetables.
With more than 50 years of experience in the manufacture of air conditioning systems, our range of evaporative coolers are highly valued for their performance, durability and reliability of operation.

More information on Tel. +34 93 851 15 99