Inicio > Products > Industrial heating > AM - Hot air generators for heating greenhouses, farms, industrial premises. Heating power from 43 to 180 kW and operation on diesel, natural gas or propane gas

AM - Hot air generators for heating greenhouses, farms, industrial premises. Heating power from 43 to 180 kW and operation on diesel, natural gas or propane gas


Caudal de aire


3.300 to 13.000 m3/h
Caudal de aire


46 to 180 kW
Caudal de aire

Heating capacity

990 to 3.875 m3
Caudal de aire

Available fuels

diesel / natural gas / propane gas

Downloadable documentation

The AM series hot air generators for invernaderos are equipos that function totally autonomously or do not need heat dissipating elements which reduce the costs of acquisition and installation.

Its operation may be gas oil, methane gas or propane gas and its operation is based on heating the air drawn in by the fans and pulsing the hot air inside the heating enclosure.

The main vents in front of other heating systems are:

  • Reducción of costs of acquisition and instalación.
  • Very quick heating system.
  • The diffusion of the air can be directed or a conduct red can be applied to channel the air in anexas areas from where the equipment has been installed.
  • 90% combustion efficiency



Heating of greenhouses, farms, industrial premises, etc.


  • High performance combustion horn, manufactured in AISI-430 stainless steel in the most heat-exposed areas.
  • External panel made in galvanized maple.
  • Thermal insulation of the areas most expuestas al calor.
  • Low level centrifugal fan.
  • IE3 high efficiency electric motor.
  • Electric control and safety cabinet according to European regulations.
  • Room thermostat (optional).
  • Handle and transport wheels (optional).
  • Air impulse ring (optional).
  • Safety system to control the correct pressure drop in the combustion chamber (optional).

Constructive details


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