Inicio > Products > Industrial ventilation and air curtains > MEGA AXIAL MANN BRUSHLESS - Large format ceiling fan 4 to 7m in diameter to ventilate in summer and recover heat in winter

MEGA AXIAL MANN BRUSHLESS - Large format ceiling fan 4 to 7m in diameter to ventilate in summer and recover heat in winter


Caudal de aire


96.810 to 529.000 m3/h

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HVLS (High Volume Low Speed) ceiling fans are a highly efficient option that provides significant energy savings. These fans are characterized by having large diameter blades that generate an impressive air flow, ranging from 96,810 to 529,000 m3/h.

They are suitable for installation in a wide variety of spaces with ceiling heights ranging from 4 to 12 metres.

Winter operation
Its function is to lower and homogenize the hot air stratified in the ceiling, thus reducing the heating needs of the room or premises.

  • Immediate reduction of energy requirements by more than 30%.
  • Reduction of 20% of the relative humidity of the environment.
  • Elimination of condensation.
  • General reduction of structure maintenance.
  • Improves work attitude by being in a comfortable environment.
  • Increased comfort, safety and productivity.

Summer operation
The main advantages that we can obtain in hot stages are:

  • Decrease in sensible temperature around 4-6 ºC
  • Relative humidity reduction
  • Constant air movement
  • Reduction in management costs in air conditioning equipment
  • Improvement of air conditioning systems
  • Increased comfort, safety and production

Large-format fans can be automated with electrical panels with frequency inverters and software that activates the ventilation system when the environment really requires it.



They are suitable for installation in any type of premises with ceilings from 4 to 12 meters high.


Constructive details

Compact and safe equipment

Steel slings to prevent the fan from falling

Brushless motor with thermal protection and safety in maintenance phases



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