Inicio > Products > Industrial heating > AGM MURAL - Wall-mounted hot air generator from 43 to 145 kW for heating industrial premises from 990 to 3,115 m3. Operation on diesel, natural gas or propane gas

AGM MURAL - Wall-mounted hot air generator from 43 to 145 kW for heating industrial premises from 990 to 3,115 m3. Operation on diesel, natural gas or propane gas


Caudal de aire


3.500 to 9.200 m3/h
Caudal de aire


43 to 145 kW
Caudal de aire

Heating capacity

990 to 3.115 m3
Caudal de aire

Available fuels

diesel / natural gas / propane gas

Downloadable documentation

The AGM-Mural hot air generators are hot air equipment that allow you to poach half-spans and large surfaces without occupying ground space.

Its operation can be with a diesel, natural gas or propane/butane gas burner, the centrifugal fan allows the heated air to be diffused directly through the outlet or through the duct line.

The main advantages of other heating systems are:

  • Do not occupy space on earth.
  • It operates on diesel, natural gas or propà/butà
  • Fast and efficient heating system
  • Diffusion of direct air or mitjançant xarxa de conductes


High-performance combustion oven, made of stainless steel in the areas most exposed to heat.
Exterior panel made of galvanized steel, polyester powder lacquered and oven dried.
Thermal insulation of the areas most exposed to heat.
Electrical control and safety panel according to European regulations.
Control thermostats (Fan/Burner/Thermal safety).
Low noise centrifugal fan
Hot air outlet through simple deflection grilles.
Security system to control the correct depression of the combustion chamber.


  • High-performance combustion oven, made of stainless steel in the areas most exposed to heat.
  • Exterior panel made of galvanized steel, polyester powder lacquered and oven dried.
  • Thermal insulation of the areas most exposed to heat.
  • Electrical control and safety panel according to European regulations.
  • Control thermostats (Fan/Burner/Thermal safety).
  • Low noise centrifugal fan
  • Hot air outlet through simple deflection grilles.
  • Security system to control the correct depression of the combustion chamber.

Constructive details


  • Chimneys
  • Accessories for conducting air
  • fuel tanks
  • Thermostats, pyrostats, CO detectors
  • Heat recovery fans


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